Adapting to a Changing Landscape

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What’s new at RCRC these days? We’re in the final stages of a comprehensive renovation of our organization.

Our renovation is designed to strengthen our ability to fight for reproductive health, rights and justice so that all people can decide their own reproductive destinies with dignity, support and compassion.

Why this renovation, and why now? Many factors affecting our mission have changed. Here’s an overview of current challenges and how RCRC is responding.

[dt_quote type=”pullquote” layout=”left” font_size=”h5″ animation=”none” size=”2″]Women of color and the poor aren’t sharing equally with other women in progress on reproductive freedom.[/dt_quote]

Religious beliefs — Polls show rapid growth in the number of people who consider themselves religious or spiritual but who don’t affiliate with a religious denomination. However people in this growing group often agree with RCRC’s faith-based view that women have the right to make their reproductive choices without stigma or shame. RCRC’s renovated programs and structure enable us to bring together a wider interfaith network including these individuals along with denominations and community organizations who share our values.

Reproductive justice — Historically, women of color and poor women experience additional barriers to reproductive health, rights and justice. Today’s legislative assaults increase these barriers. In response, RCRC is weaving reproductive justice into our mission along with our ongoing concerns about reproductive health (sex education, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases) and reproductive rights (legality of and access to abortion).

Public policy and grassroots advocacy — Opponents of reproductive choices, cloaking right-wing religious conservatism in an oppressive policy strategy, have opened many battlefronts in the states. Meanwhile, filling the open seat in the Supreme Court remains a top federal concern, along with the Hyde Amendment and other issues. RCRC is prepared to present more diverse religious views through bolder advocacy at the state and federal levels.

[dt_quote type=”pullquote” layout=”right” font_size=”h5″ animation=”none” size=”2″]Our renovation… has prepared RCRC to truly live out its mission in the current and future environment of reproductive issues.[/dt_quote]

Communications — Strong advocacy requires equally strong and responsive communications. Changes to this website are among RCRC’s steps to communicate better within our network and to respond rapidly to events in the policy and media spheres.

Nonprofits — The way movement organizations operate has shifted dramatically in recent years. RCRC, a 43-year-old group, is adapting by becoming more strategic and prophetic in our mission. We are streamlining our leadership structure, focusing on our programs that build the movement, updating our bylaws, and convening spiritual and community leaders in more collaborative relationships with our supporters, funders and the broader movement.

Our renovation has been a deliberative and challenging process. But it has prepared RCRC to truly live its mission in the current and future environment.

Join us on this vital journey. Women, families and communities depend upon RCRC’s theological and spiritual support in the overall struggle for reproductive freedom and justice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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