April 2019

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Press Releases

RCRC Statement On The Synagogue Shooting In California On Passover

Contact: Mollie Katz 202-527-9058 Press@rcrc.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 30, 2019   RCRC STATEMENT ON THE SYNAGOGUE SHOOTING IN CALIFORNIA ON PASSOVER   In response to the shooting at the Poway, Cal., synagogue on the last day of Passover, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) released the following statement: “Sorrow and concern are taking up

Blog Entries

A Rabbi’s Reflections on Her Miscarriage

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Rabbi Andi Fliegel For all of human history, women’s bodies have held the entirety of the burden, the sacrifice, and the blessing of nurturing, protecting, and carrying the next generation of life into this world. When I gave birth to my son, I was awestruck by the incredible power that my body and spirit

Press Releases

RCRC Statement Condemning Bombing of Sri Lankan Churches

Contact: Mollie Katz 202-527-9058 Press@rcrc.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 23, 2019   RCRC DEPLORES EASTER TERRORIST ATTACKS IN SRI LANKA In response to the suicide bombings in Sri Lanka over the Easter holiday, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) released the following statement: “Once again, the world watched in horror as terrorists took aim

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