September 6, 2017
What shall we say to these things? The legalization of heartless actions devaluing young people and their families – the latest in the tsunami of injustice and oppression.
Creator God, have mercy.
How do we move forward amidst of tyranny and deceit? Our souls cry out at the injustices and cruel actions of deportation geared to impact electoral process in a browning America.
Creator of all humanity, have mercy.
What shall we say and do to expand love and justice, compassion and healing in the turbulent floods of those who use public policy to hold tight grips on privilege and power.
God of justice, have mercy.
What actions shall we take, guided by our faith? Some religious leaders have abandoned the life-affirming message to love your neighbor. In their hypocrisy, they have advanced marginalization and exclusion while saying they act in God’s name.
God of our hope, have mercy.
Align us with the story of Joseph, who after being sold and deported by his own brothers, proclaimed to his betrayers, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”
God, guide us, organize us, and empower us to transform these cruel and evil actions to bring about a good for your children that we cannot imagine.
Have mercy.
–Rev. Cari Jackson, RCRC Executive for Religious Leadership and Advocacy
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is a broad-based, national, interfaith movement that brings the moral force of religion to protect and advance reproductive health, choice, rights and justice through education, prophetic witness, pastoral presence and advocacy.
Mollie Katz
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
[email protected]