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Blog Entries

Singing for Justice

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Rachel Dovek, RCRC Communications Intern In the past two weeks, I have marched in four separate political rallies in Washington, DC, each time representing communities of faith. On the day of each demonstration, I woke up with a purpose — to pray, to rally, to march and to fight injustice. Confronting Power Standing in

Press Releases

Statement on this Week’s Supreme Court News

STATEMENT ON THIS WEEK’S SUPREME COURT NEWS June 26, 2018   News from the U.S. Supreme Court this week has left many heavy hearts in our interfaith movement for reproductive health, rights and justice. We’re appalled by the Court’s decision to let crisis pregnancy centers continue lying to women in the name of faith. We’re

Blog Entries

What’s Behind the Battle Over All-Options Counseling?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Rachel Dovek, RCRC Communications Intern The U.S. Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of the free speech of California crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) which exist to dissuade pregnant women from seeking abortions. The ruling sends the matter back to lower courts. The likely result: CPCs, rooted in conservative Christian values, will be allowed

Blog Entries

Drawing Courage from Pre-Roe Clergy Activism

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]These are uncertain days for women. What if we lose Roe v. Wade?  The question can be worrisome — until we remember how progressive faith leaders boldly responded to bans on abortion just before Roe. Starting 50 years ago, clergy acted on conscience to defy abortion bans through a network called the Clergy Consultation Service

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