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Blog Entries

Feminists Against Abortion Challenge Our Biases

Vestibulum feugiat dolor molestie feugiat volutpat. Donec sed interdum ante, non varius justo. Aenean a orci egestas, lobortis mi in, congue justo. Fusce volutpat diam sapien, non consectetu.

Press Releases

The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and The Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, Inc. Announce Historic Partnership

THE RELIGIOUS COALTION FOR REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE AND THE SAMUEL DEWITT PROCTOR CONFERENCE, INC. ANNOUNCE HISTORIC PARTNERSHIP Feb. 16, 2017 PDF version DOCX version Richmond, V.A. – The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. (SDPC) announce the formation of a historic partnership to advance reproductive justice in black faith

Press Releases

RCRC Statement on Trump’s Initial Actions

STATEMENT ON THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S POLICIES TOWARD MUSLIMS, IMMIGRANTS, WOMEN AND LGBT PEOPLE  Feb. 6, 2017 PDF version DOCX version Over the past two weeks this country has been on a fast-moving train of injustice. Every day there is a barrage of policies and actions from this administration that are a gross violation of human rights.

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