Prayers | Litany for Those Called to Elected Leadership

Written by Rev. Lesley Brogan of Atlanta, GA for RCRC’s “Walking Together” event

One: Spirit of Life, we know you by many names or no name at all.  Gather us together this day.  Here are your daughters and sons from the north and the south, from the east and the west.  They have been called to serve us all, one by one and two by two.  Gather them together to listen, to speak and to act.  As you have shown justice and peace, guide them so that justice and peace walk hand in hand.

People: Holy One, hear our prayer.

One: Spirit of Love, knowing that we can only see what lies just ahead of us, guide our leaders’ steps, we pray.  Remind them of your loving presence in each choice.  Whether stepping out alone, or being encouraged by companions who lend a hand or an arm along the way, may we all be reminded that you are present each hour of each day.

People: Holy One, hear our prayer.

One: Gracious Spirit of Justice you have brought us to this new day of possibility and hope.  You have created and are creating still.  Inspire our leaders to follow your teachings.  Empower them to engage in conversations that will shed light and compassion.  Help them listen to those with whom they disagree.  And may we all be reminded, in what has gone before and in what is yet to come, that you are indeed faith, hope and love.

People: Holy One, hear our prayer.  
