God’s Song in a Strange Land (2020 Mother’s Day Tribute)

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]by Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson and Rev. Katey Zeh

Inspired by: How shall we sing God’s song in a strange land? (Psalm 137:4)



How do we honor Mothers in this pandemic

When many Mothers are dying without their loved ones near

And Others are grieving dying children they cannot touch?

How do we sing God’s song in this strange land?


How can we honor Mothers

When Mothers said to be “essential” do not earn living wages,

When “stay-at-home Mom” has new and overwhelming meaning,

And Mothers can only hug or be hugged virtually, if at all?


How do we honor Mothers

Whose laps and wombs are empty,

When no one sees their wounded hearts

That bear the scabs and scars of broken dreams?


How do we honor Mothers

When Mothers give birth with virus as their only companion,

When many have lost jobs and means to care for their families?

This is a strange land!


How can we honor Mothers

When Brown babies are ripped away from loving arms

To live in dirty, crowded cages where they cry for their Mamas?

“Give me your tired, your poor” does not apply.


How can we honor Mothers

When Mother Earth is groaning, overtaken by toxic waste,

As humans do not understand the connection of all living?

How do we sing God’s song?


How do we honor Mothers

When their children are behind bars or imprisoned by addiction,

When relationships with their children seem shattered beyond repair

And they cannot find their way to forgiveness?


How do we honor Mothers

When heartless politicians add abortion bans and immigration restrictions,

When the human dignity of Black folks, long-term care residents, meat-packing workers,

And people living in incarceration is disregarded by our own government?


How can we sing to honor Mothers?

Mama Ancestors learned how. Listen, now, to their songs,

Our Mama Warriors and Healers, Activists and Preachers

Who sang God’s song in this strange land.


Mothers of Union and Confederate soldiers who cried out,

“No more, do we want to raise our children only to send them to war!”

Theirs were cries of reproductive justice.

They sang God’s song in this strange land!


Mama Julia organized Mothers Peace Movement

With Mothers from nations around the world.

In different languages, they cried out, “Peace, not war is the answer.”

They sang God’s song in this strange land!


Mama Anna campaigned for a national Mother’s Day,

Not with empty sentimental or commercial words

But honoring life-giving, social-healing motherhood.

They sang God’s song in this strange land!


They sang their unstoppable songs

When Slave Women were raped into motherhood,

When children of Native and Black Mothers were robbed from their breasts,

When sterilization was forced on Black, Puerto Rican, and Native bodies.


They sang God’s song in this strange land

Where Mother’s Day was set aside but full citizenship was denied,

A land where Women were honored for giving birth, or

Nurturing the babies of others, but not for thinking, leading and healing.


Suffragists – sang in this is a strange land!

Black Mamas – Sojourner, Angelina, Mary C.T., Ida B., and Mary T.

Sang with White Mamas – Susan B., Elizabeth, Alice, Carrie, and Lucy,

Even though some were made to sing as back-up and back-stage


Some Mamas sang as they cared for World War I soldiers

As other Mamas continued to fight for voting rights.

Although in different ways, our Mamas sang.

They sang God’s song in this strange land!


How can we sing God’s song in this strange land

Where the skills of Black nurses were only valued

When the 1918 World Flu flooded the land with infested bodies?

Still they sang God’s song!


Wilson asked, “Shall we admit women only to a partnership of

suffering and sacrifice and toil and not a partnership of privilege?”

Finally, after war and pandemic, women voted

Because they kept singing in this strange land!


How will we honor Mother’s Day?

How will we sing God’s song today

As we are weary of pandemics and wars

Worn out by social injustices and greed?


What is God’s song in this strange land?

God’s song is reproductive freedom, social liberation,

Economic and environmental justice and human thriving for

All mothers and motherless, all children and childless.


We honor Mama Warriors and Healers, Activists and Preachers.

We sing God’s song now for today and generations yet to come.

As we sing, we give birth to hope and nurture new possibilities

In this strange land!


Together, in our different voices, identities, languages and life circumstances,

We sing God’s song.


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