September 6, 2018
RCRC Takes Action to Defeat Kavanaugh Nomination
The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) is raising its progressive, interfaith voice in opposition to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Our Letter to Senators
In a letter to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, we’ve expressed concerns about Kavanaugh’s commitment to two fundamental principles – the separation of church and state and constitutional protection of reproductive rights.
Together with other faith-centered organizations representing millions of people, we have also sent this joint letter to senators. It states our reservations about the nominee’s views on the sacred right to control one’s own body, Kavanaugh’s misinterpretation of the principle of religious liberty and the threat to diverse rights – especially among our country’s most vulnerable people – if Kavanaugh were to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Ongoing Action
Throughout the nomination process, RCRC will also actively speak out on Facebook and Twitter including using the hashtag #NoFaithInKavanaugh.
We’re urging our grassroots and online supporters to take action such as contacting their senators, circulating our letters to senators and expressing their views in social and traditional media.
We will also continue to collaborate with our faith-based and secular partners in the civil and human rights movement as we work to stop Kavanaugh from receiving this lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court.
Mollie Katz